
Seniors Care Groups

The majority of our ministry to seniors at Hillsdale takes place through Care Groups. We at Hillsdale believe in Care Groups - small groups, usually with 3 to 12 members - of people who are purposefully committing to living life together. Care Groups meet regularly to support and encourage one another, build friendships, study and apply God's Word, worship, and to pray.

If you would like to get involved in a group, stop by the Information Booth on a Sunday morning and fill our a Care Group Request form. To find out more about Care Groups check out our Join a Care Group page.

Seniors Events

From time to time events such as Seniors Breakfasts or short trips are planned.  Check the calendar for upcoming events.  If you have questions, please contact

Senior Home Ministry

We have an exciting opportunity to minister to seniors at Victoria Park assisted living care home. Teams from Hillsdale provide Sunday services and spend time connecting with the residents.